
Maltese with mystery stomach illness makes landfall

Meet Irma, a lovable little Maltese living in Florida.

Irma came into Nationwide pet insurance member Julia D.'s life in a surprising way—on the heels of a hurricane. Julia went outside to survey the scene after several hours sheltering from the brunt of the wind and rain. There, among the chaos, she spotted a Maltese pup.

“I was in my yard after three or four hours—then Irma appeared in my life,” Julia says. “She came to me. I said, ‘Oh my God, she's so beautiful.’”

Despite the rough condition of her surprise guest, Julia felt an immediate connection. Julia brought the mystery pup inside to shelter from the elements. Once the storm passed, she set out to find her owners.

“I thought maybe she belongs to somebody. But she had no chip, no information at all.”

After several days spent searching locally, Julia’s son suggested she keep the new pup. This was no small decision—Julia had never adopted a dog before.

She continues, “I said, ‘I'm going to take her.’ [I decided] I'm going to try to do my best.”

They named their new pooch “Irma” after the storm that brought her to their doorstep. Becoming a first-time pet parent had its difficulties, but Julia quickly adapted to caring for her newest family member. Little did anyone know another storm would soon be brewing, this time inside Irma's tummy. Over the course of two years, this would perplex her veterinarians—and, once resolved, earn her this Hambone Award nod.

What happened?

Julia noticed Irma experiencing strange, ongoing gastrointestinal issues. When these mysterious symptoms didn’t clear up, she knew it was time to consult with a veterinarian. However, even the experts were stumped.

Her veterinarian would make dietary recommendations for Irma's tummy and things would improve, only to later worsen again. Julia recalls, “She was doing better—but then, she had more problems with the food, with the poop, with the digestion.”

It became a familiar pattern over several visits: Irma's symptoms would flare so they'd go in for tests, which never came back with a clear diagnosis. Then, unsure of what was going on, the veterinarian would recommend a new diet or basic treatment, and Irma would get better. But then, like clockwork, the symptoms would start back up again.

After numerous treatment attempts, Julia—who herself has a medical background—began to wonder if the digestive issues were all connected through one source. An ultrasound discovered that metal wire bits, possibly bristles from a barbecue brush, were lodged deep in Irma’s digestive system.

Because of where the wire bits were, surgery wasn't an option. However, the veterinarian was able to recommend a new diet for Irma that included fiber supplements and a homemade, balanced diet. While no one could be sure if there was a direct correlation of metal bits to digestive problems, the improvement was nonetheless remarkable.

"100% better,” Julia smiles. “The poop is like regular now."

How Nationwide helped

Julia understood the importance of having a financial plan for big responsibilities like pets. She was familiar with pet insurance through her work benefits, and signed up once she decided Irma would be hers.

Julia says, “Anyone that is going to have any animal has to be prepared to have insurance because sometimes you don't have the finances needed to cover [them].”

As a first-time pet parent, Julia welcomed the support she got from Nationwide pet insurance.

“If you call for any question, they give you the right answer right away. If you have a claim, they solve the claim and they send the money. I recommend it to anyone because of the efficiency of the people who are helping you and giving you the right answer.

“Don't go without insurance, because it saves your life,” she adds. “This is important. This is my advice.”

Julia D.
Nationwide member since 2018

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