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Uncommonly common claims

Our claims team handles millions of claims every year to provide reimbursement to our Nationwide pet insurance members for their eligible veterinary expenses.

It’s a monumental feat, one that sometimes uncovers some very surprising pet stories. For the claims that really stand out, we created the Hambone Award®, a yearly celebration of all the wildest and most unexpected claims of the year.

While the really unusual stuff is usually buried in the details, the claims themselves are often very common—ingestions, wildlife interactions or simple contusions. It’s a good reminder about the importance of pet insurance for the mundane side of the unexpected.

What are the most common ways that our Hambone nominees are categorized? You may be surprised!

My pet ate WHAT?!

Ingestions are the single most popular Hambone category, accounting for nearly 50% of nominee submissions. It’s no surprise, given the often-unexpected things our pets love to snack on, like plastic bags, hair ties, holiday ornaments and undergarments.

Some past nominees who ate something they shouldn’t have include:

  • Rocket, who swallowed a tennis ball
  • Rex, who got a wishbone stuck in his throat
  • Sunny, who shimmied his crate over to swallow phone cords

Expected cost within the first 30 days after diagnosis for foreign body ingestion: $1696*

Unexpected run-ins

Accounting for 15% of Hambone nomination submissions, unexpected run-ins that result in injury are surprisingly common. There are any number of reasons why a pet may run into (or through) walls, windows, balconies, cars—even golf carts.

Some past nominees who bonked, smooshed or collided with objects include:

  • Josie, who ran headlong into a piece of sports history
  • Russell, who tripped face-first into a set of stairs
  • Giles, who got smooshed in a folding sofa

Expected cost within the first 30 days after diagnosis for blunt trauma: $1498*

Animal friends—and foes

Making new friends isn’t always easy. When it comes to pets befriending wildlife, it’s not advisable. Totaling 12% of Hambone submissions, even small wildlife encounters can create big problems for pet owners.

Coyotes, porcupines and snakes all present a danger to domestic pets if they get too close. Other less obvious wildlife encounters—from weasels to songbirds to wild ponies—can lead to a surprise trip to the veterinarian, too.

Some past nominees who walked on the wild side include:

  • Shadow, who tussled with a raccoon
  • Belle, who danced with a deer
  • Miko, who got dive-bombed by doves

Expected cost within the first 30 days after diagnosis for a bite wound: $911*

Fortunately, Nationwide covers both common and truly unusual pet incidents. All our Hambone nominees recovered from their encounters, and their pet families received reimbursement for their eligible veterinary expenses.

*Based on Nationwide claims data. Veterinary bill amount includes expenses incurred in the first 30 days after initial diagnosis.

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